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Top Moving Tips


Top Moving Tips

When planning a move, there are several tips and advice that can help make the process smoother. Here are some valuable moving tips we’ve learned along the way and think you should know before your next move!

  1. Start Planning Early: Give yourself ample time to plan and prepare for the move. Start organizing and decluttering your belongings well in advance, as this can save you time and effort later on.
  2. Create a Moving Checklist: Make a comprehensive checklist to keep track of all the tasks that need to be completed before, during, and after the move. This will help you stay organized and ensure that nothing is overlooked.
  3. Hire a Reputable Moving Company: If you’re using professional movers, research and choose a reliable and licensed moving company. Obtain multiple quotes, check online reviews, and ask for recommendations to find a reputable company that suits your needs.
  4. Pack Efficiently: Pack your belongings strategically to maximize space and minimize potential damage. Use sturdy boxes, bubble wrap, and packing paper to protect fragile items. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to for easy unpacking. Uhaul and Amazon sell better packing materials and packages than places like Home Depot. Buy tailored packing boxes made specifically for unique items TVs, Golf Clubs, and Lamps.
  5. Notify Important Parties: Inform relevant parties about your move, including utility companies, banks, insurance providers, and government agencies. Update your address with the post office and notify friends, family, and subscriptions about your new address.
  6. Take Inventory: Create a detailed inventory of your belongings, especially valuable or fragile items. This will help you keep track of your possessions and assist with any insurance claims in case of damage or loss during the move. Join a local Facebook Buy, Sell or Trade group to find used boxes from those in your community.
  7. Pack an Essentials Box: Prepare an essentials box containing items you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home. This can include toiletries, a change of clothes, important documents, basic kitchen supplies, and any necessary medications.
  8. Utilize Storage Options: If needed, consider using storage facilities to temporarily store items that you won’t immediately need in your new home. This can help declutter and make the moving process more manageable.
  9. Change Locks and Update Security: For added security, change the locks on your new home or have them rekeyed. Update any security systems or codes to ensure the safety of your new property.
  10. Take Care of Yourself: Moving can be physically and emotionally draining, so remember to take care of yourself throughout the process. Get enough rest, eat well, and ask for help from friends or family when needed!

Remember, everyone’s moving situation is unique, so adapt these tips to fit your specific needs. Hiring a professional realtor like The Jule Team can also provide valuable guidance and support throughout the moving process! We know and can recommend local vendors that we trust so please feel free to reach out if you’re thinking about moving. We’re here to help!